Sunshine Ranch


Sunshine Ranch Philosophy

Conrad, Montana is in north-central Montana, just at the base of the Rocky Mountains and sixty miles south of the Canadian border. We have a small ranch operation in the heart of the Golden Triangle, an area known for its small grain production. This is farm country, but there are still enough ranchers in Montana who need good horses for their cattle operations, for pleasure riding, and a horse that can perform in the arena.

Our goal is to produce a nice all around ranch, pleasure, and arena horse. We want a horse that looks and acts like the quality horse for which the AQHA was founded. Our horses have good feet, straight legs with adequate bone, plenty of muscle on a balanced frame, and a nice head with a soft eye. We offer a complete horse with plenty of action and a lot of cow – a horse that is easy to train and nice to have in your family operation.

We believe mares are the heart of our breeding program. Our mares are all up close or condensed Joe Hancock or Driftwood bloodlines. This combination has produced our ideal ranch, pleasure, and arena horse. We have reduced our mare bunch to eight mares running with two stallions n the breaks of the Dry Fork of the Marias River.  Many are daughters of AP Frosty Knight (Sun Frost) out of War Concho (Joe Hancock-Driftwood) grand daughters.  We feel, after 30 years of sifting and breeding only the best daughters of the best mares, that we can proudly offer horses that are a pleasure to own and ride in nearly every discipline.

      We offer our horses private treaty at the ranch and occaisionally at local Montana sales.  A list of sale horses is available hereYou are more than welcome to view the horses at any time. Please stop by or phone. We’d love to show you our program.